When things go wrong
Data Breaches & Privacy Complaints
Tools + guidance on responding to a data breach or privacy complaint
Who this is for
Organisations needing to implement a Data Breach Response Plan, deal with a data breach, or investigate a privacy complaint.
What is included
- Template: Data Breach Response Plan
- Checklist: Handling a Privacy Complaint
- eLearning Module: Notifiable data breaches
How to use these resources
Every organisation needs a way to manage data breaches, including the mandatory notification requirements. Start with the template Data Breach Response Plan, which includes instructions to quickly customise the template to suit your organisation.
The template Plan:
- has a quick flowchart guide for all staff
- defines for your staff what is a data breach, and who they need to report to if they suspect a data breach has occurred
- sets out a four-step response procedure for the Privacy Officer to follow
- allows for different steps according to whether the breach is high / medium / low risk
- calls out the additional obligations under EU and NZ law if those laws apply to your organisation
- includes a template for both internal and external reporting, and
- includes a template notification letter for affected customers.
The Checklist offers a nine step process to follow when handling a privacy complaint about a breach of the APPs, from initial acknowledgement of the complaint through to finalisation. It includes an explanation of the principles involved in awarding compensation, and a table summarising all OAIC determinations in which compensation was ordered.
This Kit also includes a training module to help you understand the Australian data breach notification scheme.
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Keeping your resources up-to-date
Privacy compliance considerations are changing all the time. We update our resources whenever there is a change in the legislation, a fresh interpretation of the law, new regulatory guidance or a significant new policy which should be reflected in our materials. So you can buy a Compliance Kit with confidence that the resources included reflect the current state of play.
Then if things change in the future? You can update to the latest version of the same Kit at a quarter of the price. Past customers should contact us to receive their 75% discount code before purchasing a new version of their Kit.