You can now access this webinar as a recording via the Managing Privacy Risks in AI and Algorithmic Systems eLearning module in our Privacy Professionals Training series.
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From setting insurance premiums to deciding who gets a home loan, from predicting the risk of a person re-offending to more accurately diagnosing disease, algorithmic systems – especially those turbo-charged by AI – have the ability to re-shape our lives. As the use of algorithmic systems increases, so too does the need for appropriate auditing, assessment, and review.
But where should a privacy professional start, when assessing the privacy considerations raised by algorithmic systems? What should an Algorithmic Impact Assessment include, look for, or test against?
This webinar offers privacy professionals a framework for assessing projects involving AI or algorithms, which cuts through the technical jargon and management-speak buzzwords.
By examining the four stages of an algorithmic system – design, data, development and deployment – we can not only identify the risks to avoid, but also start to explore the positive features to build in, to make an algorithmic system trustworthy.
This webinar is suitable for people working on AI and automated decision-making systems, and the privacy professionals who advise them.
Our Presenter
Presented by Anna Johnston, who is recognised as one of Australia’s most respected experts in privacy law and practice. She is the co-author of Algorithms, AI, and Automated Decisions – A guide for privacy professionals.
Anna is the founder and Principal of Salinger Privacy. Salinger Privacy is a market leader in privacy training, consulting and pragmatic compliance tools. Established in 2004, Salinger Privacy has delivered training on behalf of the Australian, NSW and Victorian Privacy Commissioners, and the International Association of Privacy Professionals, Australia / New Zealand.
Webinar resources
Webinar handout: 16 questions to ask of your algorithmic system.
Algorithms, AI, and Automated Decisions – A guide for privacy professionals is available as a standalone eBook, or can be included along with other resources in one of our value-packed Compliance Kits – see the ‘Algorithms Bundle’ or ‘Everything…’ option for your sector.
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Or contact us to discuss Algorithmic Impact Assessments.
Photo by Andy Kelly on Unsplash.