The fundamentals
Essentials for the Queensland public sector
Key templates and resources to support privacy compliance in your agency, council or Uni
Who this is for
Queensland government agencies, local councils and public universities which need the fundamentals sorted, like a Privacy Policy and a Data Breach Response Procedure which reflect the amendments to the Information Privacy Act, due to commence in 2025. Plus a checklist to help identify and mitigate privacy risks, and guidance on how to manage privacy compliance.
What is included
- Qld Template: Privacy Policy
- Qld Template: Data Breach Response Procedure (and Policy)
- Checklist: Common Privacy Risks and Controls
- eBook: The Privacy Management Handbook
How to use these resources
Start with The Privacy Management Handbook, which offers an introductory guide to what your agency needs to do, and explains how to use the other resources in your Kit. This concise, 40-page guide covers:
- What a privacy management program should include
- First steps
- Managing risk
- Establishing processes
- When things go wrong
- Getting the message across
- Professional development, and
- Links to further resources.
Your next step is to use our templates to quickly build compliance documentation reflecting the updated Queensland privacy law, ready for commencement in 2025. Each template is a Word document with instructions on what information to fill in where, to help you customise the document for your business.
Template Data Breach Response Procedure: The new notifiable data breach scheme in Queensland will require QLD public sector agencies to report to the OIC, and to notify affected individuals, about certain types of data breaches. Plus in some cases other laws will apply additional reporting or notification requirements. This template document offers a ready-made procedure for your agency, which will streamline the process of responding to a data breach. This Template Procedure:
- has a quick decision-tree guide for all staff
- defines for your staff what is a data breach, and who they need to report to if they suspect a data breach has occurred
- offers guidance on how to create your separate Data Breach Policy from this template too
- offers guidance on how to establish a Breach Response Team
- sets out a four-step response procedure for the Privacy Officer and Breach Response Team to follow
- lists the factors to consider when assessing the ‘serious harm’ threshold test
- allows for triaging – i.e. different steps according to whether the breach is high / medium / low risk
- calls out the additional obligations under NZ or EU law if they apply to your agency
- includes a template for both internal and external reporting, and
- includes a template notification letter for affected customers.
Template Privacy Policy: This is a Word document you can download. It offers a template format, with instructions on what information to fill in where, to help you customise a Privacy Policy for your organisation, which reflects the revised QPPs. You will still have to do some legwork to fill in the blanks, but this has all the basics laid out for you. It also includes the extra bits you will need if you are regulated by the GDPR as well.
Final steps: Finally, test privacy controls across your organisation. Described as ‘gold’ by one of our customers, the Checklist of Common Privacy Risks and Controls offers a list of 81 common privacy risks, and potential controls to mitigate those risks. Use it in privacy risk assessments, to run the ruler over a project, a system, a team, or agency-wide.
If you want us to review your draft compliance documents, you can add our Privacy Helpdesk service to your purchase; see more about that below.
Buy Now $750 +GST
Keeping your resources up-to-date
Privacy compliance considerations are changing all the time. We update our resources whenever there is a change in the legislation, a fresh interpretation of the law, new regulatory guidance or a significant new policy which should be reflected in our materials. So you can buy a Compliance Kit with confidence that the resources included reflect the current state of play.
Then if things change in the future? You can update to the latest version of the same Kit at a quarter of the price. Past customers should contact us to receive their 75% discount code before purchasing a new version of their Kit.
Privacy Helpdesk
Quick, expert privacy advice, when you need it.
Privacy Helpdesk is our informal advisory service, in which we can review your draft privacy-related documents, or provide ad-hoc advice on privacy questions as they arise. Choose from 3, 6 or 10 hours of advice time over a 6 month period.
Privacy Helpdesk hours can be added when you purchase a Compliance Kit.
3 hours Privacy Helpdesk $1,650
6 hours Privacy Helpdesk $3,000
10 hours Privacy Helpdesk $4,500
See our Terms of Service for more.